Morphorium collection from Shu Uemura!
From the Shu Uemura website:
"According to Kakuyasu Uchiide, shu uemura international artistic director, “morphorium is the gift from nature, the origin of all the living creatures and of infinite beauty”. step into the tropical jungle and watch as Uchiide unleashes the inimitable mysterious beauty of the nature using the vivid products from the morphorium collection."Behind the scenes:
I have bought several of their palettes recently and their make up is top notch not to mention how both beautiful and sophisticated as well as adorably playful the palettes and colors are. I just wish they would offer their products at discounted rates at times such as 30% off, which still at $69 a palette is not cheap. But at least it helps. I think one of the biggest problems this company will always have in the US is they don't understand the American woman's mentality when it comes to cosmetics, their fondness for bonus gifts with their orders, as well as getting items when on sale. Shu Umuera rarely if ever has sales or gives bonus items to induce customers to purchase their products. When you puchase from this company, it's like a complete a la carte menu at a very expensive restaurant; you get the item you ordered but there are no amenities that go along with it, no cute gift sets, no sets at all and especially no discount sales like 25% off from time to time. I think they would do fabulous business in the states if they incorporated some of the ideas mentioned above into their business plan. The make up is undeniably one of the very best lines on the market. It's just their business plan or the manner they conduct business that turns off many American consumers, especially in this day and age with this poor economy.
kleimanlaw at aol dot com