It's past 2 am here in California and I should definitely be asleep, but (1) I'm not tired and (2) I figured I'd make a quick post before attempting to fall asleep (which I will probably fail at). I think one of the reasons I can't sleep is because I just found out about the most amazing contest ever and needed to share with someone! Honestly, if I wasn't more than 2x past the upper age limit (only kids between 6 and 12 may enter) I would totally enter this contest myself. Oh, and in all my excitement it appears that I forgot to mention that the winner of this contest will get........ DUN DUN DUN.... an appearance on Arthur & meet and greet with Marc Brown (the creator of Arthur)! AHHHHHHH, how amazing is that?!
To enter all you need to do is fill out the entry form on the contest webpage & most importantly, send in a character idea for the show by March 31, 2009. There are additional rules on the contest page, so definitely check that out if you're interested. And if your child wins, don't forget to send me a copy of Marc's autograph! ;)
I'm reposting the following from the contest webpage:
You can create a new friend for Arthur!
If you are between the ages of 6-12, you're invited to send in your idea for an exciting new character—one who can show the gang in Elwood City that children come in all shapes, sizes, and abilities.
If your entry is chosen, YOU (and your character) will appear in a segment of an ARTHUR show! Plus, you will get to meet the creator of ARTHUR, Marc Brown.
KIDS AND FAMILIES: To send us the character you create, you must download, print out, and mail in the Entry Form.
EDUCATORS: If you are a teacher, librarian, afterschool leader, or other educator, find out how you can use the Arthur/All Kids Can Character Search with your group. Download and print out the Dear Educator letter for tips and suggestions.
Note: You'll need Adobe Reader to access these PDF files.
For complete official rules, click here.
Be sure your entry is postmarked by March 31, 2009!
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